THE PALI OVERLOOK This is a spectacular view of Windward Side of Oahu. This vista is a popular view for tourists can you can easily drive a car to this overlook. One can see the H-3 winding at the base of the Koolau Mountain. The housing below is township of Kaneohe. A couple of golf courses can also been from this vantage point. (Not visible in the picture) From the right end of the overlook is an old paved road which heads down the hill parallel to the Pali Highway. This is the old Pali Highway which was used pre World War II. There is a legend about this old road The legend states that if you carried pork or a pig across the Pali via the road you would be cursed with bad luck. The trail heads down the Old Pali Highway.
LOOKING EAST In the far distance is Mokapu Peninsula where an old volcanic crater is located. The Kaneohe Marine Base is located on this peninsula. The Pali Golf course can also be seen below.
A JAGGED PEAK A spectacular jagged peak in the Koolau Mountains which can be viewed from the Pali Lookout. The overlook is located in a saddle in the Koolau Mountain. The trade winds are typically intensified through this saddle. Sometimes the winds can exceed 60 miles per hour.
THE TALLEST PEAK IN THE KOOLAU MOUNTAINS The clouded peak of Konahuanui (Hawaiian for large fat testicles) is the highest peak in the Koolau Mountains towering over 3100 feet.