Frank's Hawaii Hiking

Enjoy the scenic hiking trails on Oahu, Hawaii


The site contains pictures, topographic maps, GPS waypoints,  flora and fauna of Hawaii, geocaches,  panoramic views, 3D topographic streaming videos and directions to each Oahu hiking trail. 
Hiking on Oahu is the best way to see the beauty of the island and get exercise at the same time.  Please share your Oahu hiking adventures by commenting in the forum and guestbook section.
Download GPS waypoints of the various scenic pictures on this site.  Use GPSbabel to convert to the appropriate GPS language. Download GPSbabel at   Also visit to learn about the fun of geocaching in Hawaii. 



Download Beautiful Oahu Hiking Screen Saver



Click on map or Oahu hiking trail to bring up pictures, elevation profiles, topographic maps and GPS waypoints.

          A     Kealia Trail

          B     Aiea Loop Trail

          C     Kuliouou Ridge
          D     Kaena Point
          E     Laie Trail
          F     DuPont Trail
          G     Manana Trail    
          H     Hauula Trail
          I      Mt. Olympus
          J      Kanehoa-Hapapa

         Click to get completed Oahu hikes and ratings                         


Weather cooperating, every week a new link will be completed until all the trails listed are finished!!


Forum and Guest Book

Hiking Picture Album Chatroom  

Flora and Fauna

360 Olomana Trail Panoramic View

Other hiking sites

(Move cursor over picture while holding down left mouse button)

Plants of Hawaii


Trees of Hawaii

Hiking Enthusiasts

Birds of Hawaii

Rockzilla's Lair

Animals of Hawaii

Hiking Gallary



Click for Honolulu, Hawaii Forecast

North Face Summer Gear - Altrec Outdoors


Background Check

Oahu Web Cam

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